Thursday, January 28, 2010

On many many things

its been awhile since i blog properly. i have decided to take up a few new hobbies though.
like... doing "quiet time" at night, instead of spending my last few waking hours surfing the internet and reading about how things work.
like... writing a diary, because its cool, and i'll kill anyone who even dares HINT that its a sissy thing to do.  writing a diary enables me to ... well, read back and feel silly about myself. we become more thankful this way.
like... waking up early and going back to sleep in the morning. u know how sometimes when we HAVE TO wake up really early, and we just wished that we could sleep for 5 or 10 more minutes? well... if u make yourself wake up really early, then "wish" that you could sleep for 5 more minutes, then just go back and sleep for 4 more hours, you'll feel like you're in charge of your own life. er... not very logical, but try it!

i've also (finally) started to get bored of my room color. red is just too... angry. maybe i'm old, maybe i've adopted a different outlook on life since. but how i wish my room is like... blue now. or cream with random blue stripes. white or sky blue sheets. a projector or a TV in the corner. haha.. i think that will keep me really calm, and perhaps make me a better person.

i find that i cannot find the right words these days. its not so much about expressing myself, but rather... i find it hard to say what im feeling. this is another sign of me becoming a better person, because i now THINK before i talk. haha. oh wells.... its not a nice feeling. :S i need to swing. i need to know i can be absolutely honest with at least one person.

i have a really random thought. i'm wondering how many girls have ever been rejected after they profess their love. hahahaha!! i mean, everyday we hear of 26,000 guys getting the "i think we're better off as friends" thing; but for girls... hahaha, when they get rejected the guy usually becomes the snob among her friends. yea, ok super random.

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