Monday, April 05, 2010

ths is what we all do...

so today i decided to be totally materialistic, and indulge myself in some unreal "wants", the kind that i usually think its really silly for people to do. (like wishing for a LV underwear, or wishing they had a macbook PRO instead of their inferior macbook unPRO)

i went online and i decided to look at .... CARS!

I figured...
that 2nd hand cars are like half the price of first hand showroom cars.
that some of the 2nd hand cars are less than 2 years old!
that when u first tell people you're driving, no one would ask if its 2nd hand!
that i like cars with 2 doors (only)
that i like cars with no roof!~
that i dunno what this kinda cars are called
that i like cars in glossy colors! matte is so handphone screen protector.
black, white, red, deep blue, deep grey and pearl makes cars look more serious.
that cars are actually affordable for normal people like you and i.
that i like leather seats and bose surround sound in my car.
that i would zhng and zhng and zhng my car! turbo, nice rims, and shock-you-to-death-if-you-touch-my-car device.
that i can get rather materialistic if i allow myself to.

then i figured something most important. i figured that i need a license to drive a car.
i feel like scolding car-chng.

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